SD Petition on Prevention of Terrorism Act

Petitions – SC/FR/91/2021 , SC/FR/106/2021 , SC/FR/107/2021

In regards to three petitions that had been filed against Prevention of Terrorism (De-radicalization from holding violent extremist religious ideology) Regulations No. 1 of 2021 published in the Extraordinary Gazette No. 2218/68 dated 12.03.2021, The supreme Court came up with the following conclusions.

The Prevention of Terrorism (De-radicalization from holding violent extremist religious ideology) Regulations No. 1 of 2021 are in violation of the fundamental rights of the petitioners guaranteed under Articles 10, 12(1) and 13 of the Constitution. It is not practically possible for this Court to suggest amendments to rectify the Regulations to align with all fundamental rights due to their inherent flaws. The Court also makes the declaration that the impugned Regulations are null and void. The State
shall pay a sum of Rs. 25,000 to each petitioner as costs of the application

Please download the full judgement here

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