FR petition by Lakmali Rathnayake on the death of her husband, Ajith Prasanna in police custody.


COUNSEL : Saliya Pieris, PC, with Lisitha Sachindra for the Petitioner
Dharmasiri Karunaratne for the 1st and 2nd Respondents
Ranjan Nayakaaratne with Kumar Gunatilaka for the 3rd and 4thRespondents
Chrisanga Fernando, SC for the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 10thRespondents.

ARGUED ON : 28th August 2019 and 30th September 2019
WRITTEN SUBMISSIONS : Petitioner – 7th October 2019
1st and 2nd Respondents – 7th October 2019
3rd and 4th Respondents – 7th October 2019
DECIDED ON : 17th December 2019.

This fundamental rights application was filed by the wife of the deceased, Rathnayake Tharanga Lakmali, on behalf of her husband Ranamukage Ajith Prasanna who died on the 18th of September 2010 in the custody of the Police. The Petitioner pleads that one or more or all of the Respondents and the State have infringed the fundamental Rights of her husband guaranteed to him under Articles 11 and 13 (1)
of the Constitution.

Conclusion of the Supreme Court judges L. T. B. DEHIDENIYA, J. and MURDU N.B. FERNANDO, PC, J. –
Considering all the material available before us, I am of the view that the Fundamental Rights enshrined in the Constitution, particularly Articles 11 and 13 have been violated by the Respondents. I specifically find the 1st, 2nd 3rd and 4th Respondents individually liable for the violation and I direct them to pay Rs.
250,000/- each individually from their personal resources to the Petitioner. The available material does not reveal that the 5th, 6th, and 7th Respondents have fulfilled their responsibilities. Hence, I find them responsible for the violation and ordered them to pay Rs. 25,000 each from their personal funds to the Petitioner. It is the State’s responsibility to protect every citizen of this country. In the the instant case, I find that the State has failed its responsibility and has violated the Fundamental Rights of the deceased. Hence, I order the State to pay Rs. 1 million as compensation to the petitioner, i.e. wife of the deceased, Rathnayake Tharanga Lakmali

Summary of penalties

1st RespondentNiroshan AbeykoonInspector of PoliceLiable for the violation of rights250,000/- from personal funds
2nd RespondentSuraweera Arachchige Wasantha
Police Sergeant 32215Liable for the violation of rights250,000/- from personal funds
3rd RespondentHewa
Sangappulige Chaminda
Police Constable 41953Liable for the violation of rights250,000/- from personal funds
4th RespondentPushpakumaraPolice Constable 20527Liable for the violation of rights250,000/- from personal funds
5th RespondentPeterInspector of Police Failure to fulfill responsibilities25,000/- from personal funds
6th RespondentVijitha KumaraChief Inspector of
Failure to fulfill responsibilities25,000/- from personal funds
7th RespondentAnanda SamarasekeraAssistant Superintendent of Police
ASP’s Office
Failure to fulfill responsibilities25,000/- from personal funds
The StateFailure to fulfill responsibilities and Violating the Fundamental Rights of the deceased1,000,000/-

Download the complete Judgement here

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