IN2023033101-Mirihana Jubilee post junction Protest – Mirihana

  • Incident No – IN2023033101
  • Date – 2023.03.31
  • Province – Western
  • District – Colombo
  • Venue – Mirihana Jubilee Post Junction
  • No of participants – Protestors – Around 30 / State Forces – Around 20o

A Demonstration was held at the Mirihana Jubilee post demanding accountability, transparency, Good governance and Answers for the economic and social issues of the people. The protest was to be held at 5.3o PM. A heavy police and forces presence was observed from around 1 pm Onwards. The police tried to disperse the crowd without even letting them gather . Eventually they took three protestors into custody without giving any reasons later to be released without any charges with the condition of not taking any action against the police.

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